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Since 1967

UHO has been fulfilling this mission through several community initiatives including Health O' Rama, Project Healthy Living, Project LEAP (Learn, Eat, Activity and Play), Childhood Obesity Prevention Program, Community Flu Initiative, Worksite Wellness, Diabetes Prevention Program, Oral Health Coalitions, the Affordable Healthcare Act Education Project and current projects such as Wayne County Oral Health Coalition (WCOHC) and Christ Over COVID Antibody Prevalence Project (COCAPP).

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Christ Over COVID Antibody Prevalence Project (COCAPP)

COCAPP is a recent project carried out by UHO. Through this program, UHO’s Wayne County Oral Health Coalition is also able to provide these populations with interactive educational material around oral health. 

This project began to help faith-based organizations (FBO) obtain testing for the COVID-19 virus and antibodies. As the pandemic progressed and the vaccine became available, WCOHC offered education on the vaccine and assisted FBOs and CBOs (community-based organizations) in providing the most up-to-date information about the vaccines' efficacy and safety. As vaccine supplies were delivered to Michigan, WCOHC helped FBOs offer vaccinations to their congregations.


Wayne County Oral Health Coalition (WCOHC)

The Wayne County Oral Health Coalition (WCOHC) is one of 7 coalitions that work collaboratively with the Michigan Oral Health Coalition. The WCOHC has over 65 plus active members representing a wide variety of partners; Community-based, Faith-based, Educational, Health, Federal, and Social Organizations.  Our mission is to educate and advocate for vulnerable and underserved populations to have equitable access to quality affordable oral health that improves overall health and social justice.


At the start of 2021, WCOHC prepared to expand its work from the previous year as well as to add new projects that would increase community engagement in oral health education, advocacy, and equity work.

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Project Healthy Living (PHL)

UHO’s longest running initiative, Project Healthy Living (PHL), provides since 1999 free and low-cost health screenings, or services, to about 10,000 participants annually. This long-term program has provided a gateway for community-based and health-based organizations to connect with hard-to-reach populations.

Project Healthy Living recruited over 4,000 medical and non-medical volunteers to help run over 110 sites serving approximately 60,000 people annually in ten counties in southeast Michigan, offering services to a highly diverse population including African American, Arab-American, Asian, Caucasian, Greek, Hmong, Latino, Native American, and Polish.

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Project Learn, Eat, Activity and Play (Project LEAP)

United Health Organization (UHO) participated in the Johnson and Johnson Childhood Obesity Program with an initiative called Project Learn, Eat, Activity and Play (Project LEAP) that focused on the children in the Brightmoor area of Detroit. Specifically, Project LEAP conducted sessions at the Detroit Leadership Academy (DLA), Detroit Innovation Academy (DIA), and Rosedale Park Baptist Church (RPBC). The second and fifth graders at the DLA served as the pilot program during which the pre/post-test was evaluated and the curriculum was tested.


After some refining of the program, Project LEAP has launched at the school for all second through sixth graders the following year and a small group of 1st graders that were in a 1st/2nd split class program was expanded to the second to fifth graders at the DIA as well as the second to fifth graders at the DLA. 


Affordable Care Act - Interfaith Health Program

The United Health Organization (UHO) is one of 10 exemplary sites in a national network coordinated by Emory University’s Interfaith Health Program (IHP).

In 2009 this network received initial funding support from the HHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships and then for 6 subsequent years from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention to activate the capacity of diverse faith and community based networks to assure the reach of H1N1 and seasonal influenza prevention services to vulnerable, at-risk, and minority populations.

During the 2011 – 12 flu season, 16 thousand individuals beyond the reach of public health received vaccinations through the on-the-ground efforts of 900 community-based organizations mobilized in this network. 


UHO was founded in 1967 by the Women of the United Fund.

In the spring of 1968 it began offering “Health-O-Ramas” designed to provide health education and social service information to the public.

The following year, UHO incorporated health screenings into the Health-O-Ramas which continued to grow in scale and offerings.

In 1999, the name changed to "Project Healthy Living" (PHL).

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